ISSN (0970-2083)
Research Article: ICP Rusnam, Efrizal And Suarni T |
Research Article: ICP Assessment Of Heavy Metal Pollution And Contaminants In The Cattle Meat K. Sathyamoorthy, T. Sivaruban and S. Barathy |
Research Article: ICP Syngas Fueled Chemical Looping Combustion (Clc) Power Plant - Exergy Analysis A.Yerrayya, P.V. Suresh |
Research Article: ICP Swapnila Roy, Papita Das |
Research Article: ICP Weighted Distance Grey Wolf Optimizer to Control Air Pollution of Delhi Thermal Power Plant Mahmad Raphiyoddin Shaphiyoddin Malik, E. Rasul Mohideen,Layak Ali and Syed Raziuddin |
Research Article: ICP Use of Molecular Biomarkers In Studies of Aquatic Environmental Impact Wilfredo Valdivieso Quintero and German Zafra |
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