ISSN (0970-2083)

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2016: Volume 32, Issue 2

Research Article: ICP

Dependences In Ground Atmosphere Radon, Thoron And Their Decay Products Dynamics

Kondratyeva Ag, Yakovleva Vs*, Nagorsky Pm and Stepanenko Aa

Research Article: ICP

Distribution of Temperature Field in Plasma Flow of High Frequency Unipolar Torch Plasmatron

V.F. Myshkin *, V.A. Khan , M. Tichy , E.V. Bespala, O.A. Kolosova And T.V. Kobanova

Research Article: ICP

Titanium Macroparticle Fraction Suppression with Steered Arc And Negative Pulse Biasing

Ryabchikov Ai, Sivin Do, Ananin Ps, Shevelev Ae* And Shulepov Ie

Research Article: ICP

Hydrogen Sorption by Carbon Nanostructured Materials

Vidyaev Dg*, Savostikov Dv, Boretsky Ea And Verkhorubov D

Research Article: ICP

Optimization of Sulphate Lignin Recycling in Air Plasma

 Vidyaev Dg*, Savostikov Dv, Boretsky Ea And Verkhorubov Dl

Research Article: ICP

Calculation Method Of Materialsâ?? Properties On The Basis Of First-Principles Methods (Or Ab Initio) For The Quantumchemical Modeling Program Package Named â??Antaresâ?

A. Popov , A. Obkhodsky * And S. Kuznetsov

Research Article: ICP

Feasibility Study of Creating Additional Experimental Channels for Silicon Doping in Irt-T Reactor

A. Naymushin *, Yu. Chertkov, I. Lebedev And V. Boyko

Research Article: ICP

Use of Thorium in Thermal-Neutron Reactors: Computation Model and Comparison of Neutronic Codes

A. Naymushin *, Y.U. Chertkov, I. Lebedev and M. Anikin

Research Article: ICP

Neutronic Properties Optimization Of The Irt-T Reactor Core

A. Naymushin *, Yu. Chertkov, M. Anikin And V. Boyko

Research Article: ICP

Effect of Operating Parameters on Formation Process of Defects in Moderator Block in Graphite Reactors

A. Mochalov, A. Naymushin *, V. Nesterov, S. Savanyuk And I. Shamanin

Research Article: ICP

Operation of Radiation Portal Monitors of Special Nuclear Materials At Nuclear Sites in Terms Of Reliability

E.A. Vlasenko*, A.V. Dudkin And D.G. And Demyanyuk

Research Article: ICP

Features of Fuel Burnup Calculations for Irt-T Reactor Using Mcu-Ptr Code

A. Naymushin *, M. Anikin, I. Lebedev, A. Busygin, S. Dmitriev And D. Zolotykh

Research Article: ICP

Visualization of Experimental Data for The Process of Solid Materials Atomic Structures Properties Modeling in The Antares Quantum-Chemical Calculations Software Package

 S. Kuznetsov , А. Obkhodsky And А. Popov 

Research Article: ICP

Use of Thorium in Thermal-Neutron Reactors: Different Types of Fuel Compositions in Vver-1000 Reactor Cell

A. Naymushin *, Yu. Chertkov, I. Lebedev, M. Anikin And S. Savanyuk

Research Article: ICP

Using of The Monocrystalline Silicon to Monitor The Nuclear-Physical Characteristics of Neutron Fields

V.A. Varlachev, E.G. Emets*, A.V. Golovatskiy And Ya.A. Butko

Research Article: ICP

Influence of Repetitively Pulsed Negative Bias Parameters on Macroparticle Surface Density

A.I. Ryabchikov*, D.O. Sivin, A.I. Bumagina, A.E. Shevelev, I.A. Shulepov And P.S. Ananin

Research Article: ICP

Interrelationships Amongst Pollutants and Their Predictions in Shimla City: India

Rajiv Ganguly and Satyarth

Research Article: ICP

Experience in Application of Ozonic Technology for Sewage Treatment in The Kumkul Region of Kazakhstan

N.K. Kozhaspaev *, U. Makanov, A.A. Bokanova, A.A. Abdykadyrov, R. Dagarbek And A.K. Kodzhavergenova

Research Article: ICP

Overview of Impulse Fire-Extinguishing System Applications

V.D. Zakhmatov , M.V. Silnikov And M.V. Chernyshov

Research Article: ICP

Comparative Evaluation Of The Physicochemical Parameters Of Major Rivers In Enugu Urban, Nigeria.

Eze Chukwuebuka Thankgod And Nwagwe Onyinyechi Ruth

Research Article: ICP

Source Apportionment of Lead and Cadmium By Chemical Characterization of Pm2.5

G. Srinikethan and Atul Ayare

Review Article: ICP

Cyanobacteria: a potential natural source for drug Discovery and bioremediation

B. Naga pavan kumar, s. Mahaboobi and s. Satyam

Research Article: ICP

Bioaccumulation of Xenobiotics Compound of Pesticides in Riverine System and Its Control Technique: A Critical Review

Pradip Kumar Maurya and D.S. Malik

Research Article: ICP

Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Some Natural Dye Yielding Plant Species of Kashmir Valley

Qazi Gazala , Imtiyaz Murtaza , Shoukat Ara , Hina Qazi , Syed Maqboo Geelani and Shakeel Amir

Research Article: ICP

Household and Industrial Waste As A Basis For Complex Composts for Cultivated Lands

I.S. Beluchenko *

Research Article: ICP

Use of Molecular Tools to Monitor Microbial Communities During The Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils

Wilfredo Valdivieso Quintero and German Zafra

Research Article: ICP

Assessment on The Defluoridation Using Novel Activated Carbon Synthesized from Tea Waste: Batch, Statistical Optimization and Mathematical Modeling

Swapnila Roy * and Papita Das

Research Article: ICP

Vermistabilization Of Thermal Power Plant Fly Ash Using Eisenia Fetida

Research Article: ICP

Studies on Comparison of Sludge Produced from Conventional Treatment Process And Electrochemical Processes of Soya Oil Refinery Processing Wastewater

K. Rajkumar , K.P. Ganesh , G. Sivarasan , M. Muthukumar And R. Sivakumar

Research Article: ICP

Preparation and Characterisation of Activated Carbon from Delonix Regia Seeds for the Removal Of Methylene Blue Dye

G.A. Rajalekshmi, T.S.A. Mrithaa, S.A. Viji Chandran and M.A. Pandimadevi

Research Article: ICP

Treatability Study Of Chemical Defluoridation Technique By Boric Acid: Batch Analysis And Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology

Swapnila Roy And Papita Das

Research Article: ICP

The Influence Of Magnetic Field On The Electrodialysis, Ion Exchange And Electrolysis In A Mixture Of Isotopes

V.F. Myshkin , V.A. Khan , V.G. Plekhanov , S.H. Khabibulin  And V.N. Lensky 

Research Article: ICP

Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions Survey of Underground Mine In Indonesia

Arif Susanto , Purwanto Purwanto, Henna R Sunoko and Onny Setiani

Research Article: ICP

Thermal Analysis of Oil-Bitumene Rocks Western Kazakhstan

M.N. Abdikarimov and R.K. Turgumbaуeva

Research Article: ICP

Decolourisation of Dyes and its Mixture by Providencia Sp. Vnb7 Isolated from Textile Effluent Treatment Plant

Niranjan Prakashrao Patil , Jumma Shaikh , B.P. Kapadnis and V.B. Gaikwad

Research Article: ICP

New Point of View to Complex Interpretation of Seismic and Electromagnetic Data at Hydrocarbons Environmental Deposits Search

Vasily Palamarchuk , Nadezhda Glinskaya, Oksana Mischenko, Elena Burdakova and Vadim Petrov

Research Article: ICP

Optimization of Crude Protein Production and Reduction in Cyanide Content of Cassava Peels by Pretreatment with Aspergillus Niger Anl301


Research Article: ICP

Optimization of Endosulfan Biodegradation Using Indigenous Bacterial Isolate Bacillus Aryabhatti Through Response Surface Methodology

Geeta Negi , Pankaj , Anjana Srivastava and Anita Sharma


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