ISSN (0970-2083)
Abirami P*, Anjanadevi N and Chandra Thangavel
Department of Botany, Vellalar College for Women, Erode-9, India
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The pollutant removal efficiency of Eichhornia crassipes Solms. & Pistia stratiotes L. from the dye industry effluent and the effect of dye industry effluent on the growth of Eichhornia crassipes Solms. & Pistia stratiotes L. were analysed. TDS, COD, BOD, DO, Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Chloride, Sulphate and Iron were highly reduced by Eichhornia & Pistia at 20 %. 40 % effluent concentrations. The number and length of roots and leaves were increased by 20
Pollutant, Effluent, Macrophytes.
Increasing pace of industrialization along with population explosion, urbanization and green revolution are reflected in vaiying degrees of the purity of water, soil and air. A majority of industries are water based and a considerable volume of waste water is discharged to the environment either untreated or inadequately treated leading to the problem of surface and ground water pollution. The capital costs and operating wastewater treatment systems are rising on one hand and on the other there is a pressing demand for the treatment of wastewater generated by increased residential and industrial development (Mehrotra & Aowal, 1982 and Reed, 1992). In recent years there has been an inceased interest in alternate and innovative technologies, which will prove low-cast, low-maintenance and energy efficient. In the present investigation dye industry effluent was treated with aquatic macrophytes such as Eichhorina crassipes. Solms. and Pistia stratiotes L.
The raw dye industry effluent was collected from the equalisation tank Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), Manikkampalayam, Timpur, Coimbatore Dt. and was stored separately in the sterilized polythene carboys at 20° C.The pest free aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes Solms. (waterhyacinth) and Pistia stratiotes L. (waterlettuce) were collected from the natural fresh water river Bhavani and acclimatized in Hoaglands solution for 20 days. The plants of uniform size and biomass were selected to reduce the error. The effluent sample (raw-100 %) was diluted to 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% with deionised tap water and taken in plastic tubs. Initially 100ml sample was withdrawn from each dilution and analysed for its physico-chemical characteristics like TDS, COD, BOD, DO, Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Chloride, Sulphate and Iron (APHA, 1995). The acclimatized macrophytes were placed separately in each dilution for 8 days. After the retention period 100ml of biotreated effluent was withdrawn from each dilution for the study of physico-chemical characters and the effect of effluent on plants was analysed
The results of physico-chemical characteristics of raw and diluted dye industry effluent and biotreated effluents are presented in Table 1 & 2. As compared to control values, The maximum percent reduction of TDS, COD, BOD, DO, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, nitrate, chloride, sulphate and iron was recorded in lowest concentrations after the retention period. The pattern of increase in percent reduction of above parameters was observed with increase in the dilution of effluent concentration from 100% to 20%. The DO was found to be nil at 100% effluent, however the dilution improved it particularly at 20% concentration. Eichhornia treated effluent revealed higher DO values then the Pistia treatment. TDS, COD and BOD the reduced to the maximum extent by Eichhornia than Pistia as reported by Trivedy and Gudekar (1985). Calcium, magnesium, nitrate, chloride, sulphate and iron were also found to be reduced by Eichhornia and Pistia at different concentrations of effluent. Out of these two macrophytes Eichhonia proved to be more efficient in removing the pollutants. The lower concentration (20%) favoured growth of plants. Hbth the plants did not survive at higer concentrations. The diluted effluentSare an excellent media for plant growth and gains in number and length of roots and leaves both in Eichhornia and Pistia (Table - 3 &4).
From the above findings it may be concluded that in order to minimize the pollution effects of industrial effluents* Eichhornia and Pistia plants can be grown in waste water and effluent logged areas.
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