ISSN (0970-2083)
Articles published in Journal of Industrial Pollution Control have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Industrial Pollution Control has got h-index 18, which means every article in Journal of Industrial Pollution Control has got 18 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Industrial Pollution Control.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | |
Year wise published articles |
30 | 22 | 30 | 48 | 5 | 9 | 46 | 190 | 44 | 50 | 64 | 34 | 35 | 33 | 45 | 33 |
Year wise citations received |
324 | 410 | 488 | 546 | 447 | 446 | 350 | 242 | 125 | 81 | 46 | 40 | 48 | 22 | 13 | 11 |
Journal total citations count | 1750 |
Journal impact factor | 2.82 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 3.6 |
Journal h-index | 18 |
Journal h-index since 2018 | 16 |
Journal Impact Factor 2020 formula |
IF= Citations(y)/{Publications(y-1)+ Publications(y-2)} Y= Year |
Journal 5-year Impact Factor 2020 formula |
Citations(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)/ {Published articles(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)} |
Journal citescore |
Citescorey = Citationsy + Citationsy-1 + Citationsy-2 + Citations y-3 / Published articlesy + Published articlesy-1 + Published articlesy-2 + Published articles y-3 |
Bhat, S.A., Singh, J. and Vig, A.P. 2017. Earthworms as Organic Waste Managers and Biofertilizer Producers. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 1-4.
Mingliang., Zhou., Lianquan., Wang., Xudong., Zhang., Wenjun., Yang., Lihua. and Zhang Xiaowen.2012. Preliminary Study on Treatment of Organic Matter in Foam Decontamination Waste by Ozone Oxidation Method. Radiation Protection. 32 (1): 34-9.
Sailatha., T., Saranya., P., Swarnalatha., S., Velan., M.and Sekaran., G.2016. Enzymatic destabilization of chemical surfactant in wastewater—a potent ultrafiltration foulant: kinetic studies. Desalination and Water Treatment. 57(32):14833-48.
Study on Treatment of High Content Alkyl Polyglycoside Wastewater by Ozone Oxidation by Aeration Method. Daily Chemical Industry. 2014; 2: 008.
Etchepare RG. Generation, characterization and applications of nanoboles in the removal of aqueous pollutants and reuse of water by flotation.
Christ, K., Azzam, R.and Fromhold-Eisebith, M.2015. Interaction between water related informal processes and water management: the example of Hyderabad, India. Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurgeologie und Hydrogeologie .
Izah, SC., Inyang, IR., Angaye, TC. and Okowa IP.2016 . A Review of Heavy Metal Concentration and Potential Health Implications of Beverages Consumed in Nigeria. Toxics. 5(1):1.
Jörundsdóttir, H., Temporal and spatial trends of organohalogens in guillemot (Uria aalge) from North Western Europe (Doctoral dissertation, Institutionen för miljökemi).
Goyal, M., Dhar, DN. and Singh, SK.2010. Physicochemical methods for monitoring seasonal variations in Cl–, F–, and Fe++ in underground water in Unnao District in Uttar Pradesh (India). Environmental monitoring and assessment. 171(1-4):425-7.
Sharma, O. and Sharma, M.,K.2013. Use of cobalt hexacyanoferrate (II) semiconductor in photocatalytic degradation of neutral red dye. International Journal of ChemTech Research. 5:1615-22.
Prakash, C.,V. and Prakash., I. International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment.
Darweesh, M,A.and El-Sayed, M,K.2014. The Effect of Cement Dust Pollution on the Zygophyllum Coccinum Plant. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 3(3):839-51.
Shemi, A., Hsieh, J. and Lee, D.2014. Clarification of flexographic wastewater by electrocoagulation and electroflotation. Appita Journal: Journal of the Technical Association of the Australian and New Zealand Pulp and Paper Industry. 67(3):212.
OGUNKUNLE, CO., ABDULRAHAMAN, A,A., ALUKO, T,A., KOLAWOLE, O,S., FATOBA, P,O. and OLADELE, FA.2013. Anatomical Response of. Notulae Scientia Biologicae. 5(4):431.
Chindo, S,Y., Agbaji, E,B. and Amoniyi, K,I.2016. Determinatioon of some heavy metals in dumpsite soil and Abelmoschus esculentus grown near dumpsites in Kafanchan metropolis, Kaduna state, Nigeria. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. 9(5):641.
Ogunkunle, C,O., Ziyath, A,M., Adewumi, F,E. and Fatoba, P,O.2015. Bioaccumulation and associated dietary risks of Pb, Cd, and Zn in amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus) and jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius) grown on soil irrigated using polluted water from Asa River, Nigeria. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 187(5):281.
Agarwal, P., Gupta, R. and Agarwal, N.2016. A Review on Enzymatic Treatment of Phenols in Wastewater. J Biotechnol Biomater. 6(249):2.
Saxena, S. and Rani, A.2012. Fluoride ion leaching kinetics for alkaline soils of Indian origin. J. Sci. Res. Reports. 1:29-40.
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