ISSN (0970-2083)

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The characteristics of the mud are responsible for the success of drilling operations as the main purpose. Drilling fluids must have sufficient viscosity to control fluid loss into the formation and to suspend the rock cuttings when drilling operation is stopped, it is essential to consider the mud rheology and filtration characteristics. To produce high quality mud, bentonite is used as the base clay, Barium Sulphate, and compound A and B were used as additives in four mud samples in this study. Based on the findings, mud 3 has the highest density of 8.7 ppg, and mud 1 has the lowest density of 8.4 ppg. Mud 2 and mud 4 have densities of 8.5 ppg and 8.6 ppg, respectively. Theoretically, the density of the mud gradually increased from mud one to mud four. However, due to the addition of compound B to mud 4, the density decreased by 0.1 ppg. The Fann viscometer readings increased from mud 1 to mud 4 at 300 and 600 rpm and showed an increase in the shear stress. Increasing in shear stress indicated that the fluid is more viscous, and, thus, requires more effort to initiate the fluid movement. The Filter press experiment determined the water loss, mud one loses most of the fluid, 22 mL/30 minutes, and mud four loses the least fluid, 12 mL/30 minutes. Alternatively, mud four has the thickest mud cake with 0.5 mm and the least amount of fluid loss, whereas the higher the fluid loss, the thinner the mud cake with 0.2 mm. In this paper, different experiments related to mud weight, viscosity, gel strength, filtration and yield point were examined to determine the rheology of multiple mud samples, and data were collected to comprehend the effects of various additives on mud. Based on the findings, it is to conclude that the rheological and filtration capabilities improved at a high shear rate. From the perspective of practical side, drilling low-pressure, depleted, and fractured oil and gas reservoirs can benefit from this study’s findings by providing environmentally friendly, stable, and inexpensive additives.


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