ISSN (0970-2083)

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Our study results have established that from the social as well as commercial point of view. The envisaged project at Ujjain is not an economically and commercially feasible proportion owing to the low acceptable level of net present values and benefit cost ratio on different counts. Even the various alternatives worked out by us have not proved the system to be viable. In order to make the system feasible either the efficiency of the system has to be increased by improved technology or with the same technology to plan plant in the waste disposal site at Pandiakhedi so that the cost of project will be reduced. The Government should carefully examine the technical and social viabilities before setting any plant in the city or nearby areas. The socio-economic factor associated with MSW should be carefully examined by the planning masters. In our findings and field of observation, it is argued that there is a need to create awareness among the citizens and municipal officers about the environmental dimensions of the waste handling in the community. It is one of the most challenging tasks of the millennium to prevent the environmental disaster and subsequent health hazards. It is also true that sustainable approach of development depends on environmental and ecological tolerance, social acceptance and economic viability of any waste to energy project and other forms of waste management. In this context, I would like to suggest that municipal authorities, private enterprise, recycle traders, NGO’s and residents must be involved in the collection, waste transportation and disposal of solid waste.


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