ISSN: 2319-9865

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Applied medical science is the branch of science that applies existing knowledge to develop more practical applications.Applied science applies science to real world practice.Medical sciences such as medical microbiology and its clinical virology are applied sciences that apply biology towards medical knowledge and inventions.

Within science, disciplines that are basic science, conjointly referred to as pure science, develop data to predict and may explain phenomena within the nature. It is the field of study that applies science to world. This includes a broad vary of science fields from Engineering to Child Care. Applied Medical Sciences are useful in improving the quality and standard of life. They need applications in health, agriculture, medicine, pharmaceutical and food science industries.

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American Journal of The Medical Sciences, Journal of Applied Medical Sciences , International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research, Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES, Applied medical science Journals


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