ISSN: 2319-9865

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Medical Natural Science is a multi disciplinary programme that combines natural sciences with medicine.It provides innovative ways of conducting medical research.This program combines modules in natural sciences,life sciences and medicine.

Medical Natural science is a branch of science that deals with the portrayal, expectation, and comprehension of normal marvels, in view of observational and exact proof. Legitimacy, exactness, and social instruments guaranteeing quality control, for example, associate audit and repeatability of discoveries, are amongst the criteria and systems utilized for this purpose. Natural science can be broken into two principle branches: life science (or natural science) and physical science.

Related Journals of Medical Natural Science

Nature Medicine, Irish Journal of Medical Science, American Journal of The Medical Sciences, Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine, Journal of Natural Medicines, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Medical Natural Science Journals


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